IT Helpline Quiz

Help with IT conversation

A lady has a problem with her IT, she makes a call to the helpline.   Listen and answer the ‘Quiz’.
Modals how do they work

Modals how do they work

Modals how do they work, full explanation, examples and how to use. FREE Download Free – Download Checkout Added to...
The Universe

The Universe

How interested are you in space? Very interested Quite interested Slightly interested Not at all interested What is space? View Results  Loading ... The universe is an incredible...
Adverb or adjective

Adverb or adjective

ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB THE DIFFERENCE An adjective tells us more about a noun. Example: an expensive car, a clever girl An adverb tells us more about a verb. Example: He talked nervously.   HOW TO FORM THE ADVERB Adjective + ly sad sadly quiet quietly nervous...